Tuesday, November 08, 2005


It's that time of year and we had the misfortune to fly recently from Paris with a coughing spluttering fellow passenger.

A few days later we both went down with a horrible flu, headache, achy limbs, fever, sore throat, it felt horrible.

So just for the record we do not catch flu it attacks us because our immune systems are weak.

In our case we had overdone things in Paris, working long hours and then giving talks every night. Result weakened immune systems vulnerable to nasty flu.

So for the winter where we can all expect more nasty flu bugs build up your immune systems.

Eat well, exercise and most important of all let go of your fears.

Yes, fear or stress is very very debilitating so of all the things you can do to protect yourself from flu funnily enough letting go of fear must be number one.

Might sound funny but it works so let go of your fears.

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