Sunday, November 13, 2005


Living is something that we all assume that we are doing.

Question, is living just indulging our basic functions?

Or is living thinking
Is living daring
Is living exploring
Is living working
Is living sleeping
Is living fearing
Is living laughing

What is living for you?

Is true living only me or is it we?

Ninety percent of humanity are not interested in knowing, indeed they are quite content to browse their way through this place.

And you, what are you living for, or should we ask why are you living?

Living can be greater than we suspect, dare to venture to the edge of your consciousness to enter new domains.

Reach out and learn how to live more fully.

None of us can reach even the edge of our living potential, so don't waste your life browsing.

Don't arrive at death without having ever lived!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you! Beautiful thoughts to make one feel life.

And what do you mean by not wasting our lifes browsing because we can not reach our full potention anyway? I disagree, maybe not in one life and potential may be limitless so that would be, to me a propper reason not to ever reach it.

Yours A