Saturday, March 25, 2006

Still out of work

As the weeks go by it is easy to go down.

Do not, it's very hard to come back up, just take our word for it you do not want to go there.

Whatever your difficulty keep your self-respect and work to change your situation.

No one will do this for you.

This is your fight, your life, not mine, yours.

Every night map out what you will do next day.

Be disciplined map out realistic things to be done.

Do something to advance finding a job,

Do some things to keep your self-respect, clean your space, your shoes it does not have to be a big thing.

if you are older then recognise that no one wants to hire an older person.

Creating income is what you have to do.

Do some things every day to find a solution.

Let your pride go, look at everything.

This is your life right to the last day so live it don't wimp it!


Anonymous said...

Dear Antony,

ok, no one wants to hire an "older" person. YET, if this older person has something to offer, which no youth, no so called trained person can...what are you talking about. How does one belong to this world? In the ways it knows? You tought me better!!!

I feel no one should accept this as a fact. Truth is a fact! The meshes of maya are NOT !!!!

Antony said...

In an ideal world maybe, however for many old is to be cast aside. For sure it is our job to try and help change this, and at the same time reality rules for many and that reality is tough