Saturday, April 08, 2006

Narrow path

Modern life is a narrow path in many ways.

So long as things go fine then all is peachy.

However once something goes wrong then bingo!

Suddenly we enter the world of recorded voice messages with innumerable options that yield more options and take forever to say what they need to say.

Finally we reach a human only to discover that he she can only spout bureaucratic jargon.

Nothing but nothing is more designed to make us frustrated than the inhuman nature of so many organisations and people.

Deep breath and go slowly through the necessary steps one at a time.

No emotion please just do what you need to do.

This is not personal it is just the way it is.

Remember there is a beginning, middle and end to everything.

So you are not in the beginning that is when it went wrong.

You are in the middle so only the end to deal with, and voila back on the narrow path again.

Until the next time that is!

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