Thursday, December 20, 2007

...........and my very own failure

Is so bad

I cannot possibly forgive myself

I will guard it closely all my life

I will let it make me feel bad all my life

In fact I will use it to ruin my life

There is no where else to go

Nowhere else to put it

I cannot look at it any other way.

No use telling me to forget it

And so on

Surely you must be tired of this story

Certainly all those who know you must be

Dreary, sad, negative people

Heroically brave people

Carrying this hidden or overt burden


You did not come here to play this silly game

There is not a master in history who has not done silly things, unthinkable things

So with us, this is how we learn

How we grow

Look at your crime or silly story and examine it from the angle of learning

What can I learn from this and then let it go

Move on

Holding stories to your heart does nothing because you are not growing you are using this as an excuse for not growing

Let your failures teach you not cripple you

How do you grow if you do not have so called failures?

Have you never thought that failures are critical to our evolving consciousness?

Life is amazing don't waste any more time


Joneser said...

I really appreciate this and the previous post. I feel an incredible strength that comes with meeting my failures with compassion and willingness. When addressing them the fear has not disappeared but something allows me to act despite the discomfort.

Antony said...

See above..........and accept the wave form nature of life, it frees us to derive more pleasure from life. Have a fun day!