Sunday, March 30, 2008

Dope over time

Met a man yesterday and we mentioned a mutual friend who has probably smoked more dope than most

Ever since we have known him in fact as a young man

Nice guy skin tone looks a rather pasty now, bit lost in his thoughts from time to time if we may put it that way

It is such a habit that our friend does not feel comfortable unless he smokes before going to work and then at various times during the day

Both of us agreed that we should be free to make our own choices

If his behavior hurts no one but himself then maybe that should be his choice

For most there comes a time when we decide enough is enough

The man I was talking to gave up all drugs, dope tobacco, alcohol, coke the lot in the 80's

A day came when he just felt enough was enough

Something inside said no more thanks

And since that day he has not touched anything although occasionally temptation has come his way

Today his favorite drink is water

He enjoys walking and doing simple things

Enjoys waking up feeling good with no coughing or mucus to expel

One thought comes to mind

If you are still consuming then consider do you want to reach the finishing line in good shape?

Or with tubes sticking out of you?

The chances of enjoying better health are in your favor if you stop consuming

To find pleasure in simple things is one of the tricks of leading a better life

Continual looking for the next big thing or buzz has to lead to increasing disappointment over time

The ritual may have it's allure for a while, but like most things tires over time

Even the buzz changes, as you need to take more or a stronger type to get the same effect

Apart from the physical effects life is different when we do not need drugs to make it better or more exciting

Not to mention the money you save and have available for other things

In a modern world of endless controls and cctv cameras do you need the aggro?

Take risk in other ways do something neat like skydive, rock climb, ski hard downhill if you need thrills

If it has become a habit then consider is it moving you towards the life you always wanted?

Or is it temporary relief and pleasure, a crutch maybe?

Life has different stages and sometimes we hang on to things that don't really fit any longer

They can keep us locked into patterns that dictate other aspects of our life

Where are you?

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