Saturday, April 26, 2008


They stand silent and empty all through the winter

Then about now they all turn green


Just amazing

Ever thought of the technology that allows hard wooden trees to produce soft green leaves?

Leaves of all shapes and sizes

Blossoms that appear almost immediately afterwards

Diffierent colours

Beautiful smells

Amazing shapes and clusters

And for most of us we do not even notice

One of the most powerful major outpourings of energy seen in nature

And we remark casually how nice it is to see green trees again

Often oblivious to the wondrous events that they presage

Animals and birds alike joining each other to start the process of procreation

Humans too seeing each other in new ways

What a cycle!

Take the time to experience the beauty of nature in full flow

Pay attention to your local fauna

Get out and enjoy walking in nature

Be alive to our world as it blossoms and grows

Spreading new life over the planet

Times might be stressful but nature is our balm if we do but use her offerings with wonder and appreciation

Appreciate your world

Today and every day


Anonymous said...

I'm looking for pictures of green leaves and come across your blog. What a lovely poem! The picture is so beautiful but what a pity I cannot see it full size. I especially love this poem because it was written on the day that my first baby was born. What a coincidence!

Testing. said...

Here you can have the image :)

My Mother Named Me Aisha said...

the picture amazes me... oh can i have the image too? (puppy look)

Sangeetha said...

Wow! A very lovely poem.
I too came here looking for a green background when I hit upon this blog.
I should say its certainly a wonderful poem. Enjoyed reading it.