Tuesday, April 29, 2008

There is enough

on this planet to satisfy every-ones needs

But not enough to satisfy every-ones greed

Isn't that the truth

How many more times do we have to watch greedy people grabbing more for no other reason than they can

Can grab, so do grab, even when they have more than enough

No idea what to do with it except maybe material toys, houses, boats, cars important things like that

And the media behaves like there is something admirable about this greed

A world obsessed by money

Greed is greed

And that we worship greedy people just because they have grabbed more than others is a signature of these times we live in

Silly humans we are soooooo ignorant


Because the greedy ones have no idea that they pay a very high price for their greed

Karma is not a joke it ensures that we pay to the last detail for our greed

Then we wonder why there is so much poverty and pain around us

This is karma in action

Yes this is what happens next time around

Incarnations where the greedy experience what it is like to be on the other side

Experiencing to the last centime the exact opposite of what they experienced as greedy people

For yourself choose to be loving and caring

Anyway you look at it this has to be a better option

Love allows expansion of our life experiences

Greed just creates more wanting often paranoia
Never ending, never .
Because once you dedicate your life to wanting that's what nature gives you
Bad choice greed

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