Thursday, May 21, 2009


Every one different

Even so called identical twins

Just like snowflakes all tell of their journey

It is said that everyone is responsible for how he or she looks after fifty

This is probably nearer forty today

Your life shapes your face
When we are young our natural youth and strength allow us to hide aspects of ourselves
As we get older and no longer have the same strength we can no longer hide everything inside
As John Lennon once said "you can't hide when you are crippled inside"
And so it is we come to forty or thereabouts
The real you emerges
And so how come few notice what is right in front of their eyes?
How come so few see what is in and on the face in front of them?
Modern training is so pervasive that we do not see how corrupt he or she is
The corruption and evil right there to see
The dishonesty right in front of our very eyes
Today we are taught that this is character, not evil
Wake up it is there in front of your eyes
Choose to see
Look carefully
All that you need to know about someone is there in front of your eyes
Couple your eyes to your other senses and you can "know" that person in front of you
Test for the day
Look at your own face
Cover one half vertically with a piece of paper or magazine
The two halves are different
One is you hiding from the world trying to present what you want the world to see
The other is the real you
Which is which?
You tell me
Assimetry says a lot about a person
Not always favourably
It is possible to change how you look
To create a more balanced face
A more beautiful you
If you are full of fear then over time this shows
If you are full of love then over time this shows
If you lie and deceive then over time this shows
If you like yourself then over time this shows
If you do not like yourself then over time this shows
It really is possible to change how you look
Change how you feel about yourself and you change how you look
And should you believe us then here is another thought the more you reduce fear in yourself the more you slow down the ageing process
The more you slow down the ageing process the better you look
Simple and far more effective than pills, potions and miracle operations
Plastic surgery does nothing for the empty soul
Again as Lennon said "you can't hide when you are crippled inside"
You want your face to look better?
Then change how you feel about yourself

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