Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What power?

Power is a measure of an entity's ability to control the environment around itself, including the behavior of other entities

The term authority is often used for power, perceived as legitimate by the social structure

Power can be seen as evil or unjust, but the exercise of power is accepted as endemic to humans as social beings

Often, the study of power in a society is referred to as politics

The use of power need not involve coercion

Need not involve force or the threat of force
At one extreme, it more closely resembles what everyday English-speakers call "influence"
At the other violent coercion
The means by which power is used tells us much 
Power is often misused
Power does indeed corrupt
Absolute power corrupts absolutely
And yet there are humans with power who do not use it for selfish reasons
Small in number, they may well be the most powerful humans on this planet
To recap what we have written elsewhere
There are basically three power groups
Those who use power to help others and who support the creative forces of nature
Those who master the technical power of nature and use it for both good and bad purposes
Those who use the destructive powers of nature for selfish purposes
In short the White brotherhood
And the Black brotherhood
Numerically the black brotherhood is the largest of the three ranging from unconscious selfishness to extremely malevolent conscious entities
Shaman are next although in today's world true shaman are rarer
The white brotherhood is the smallest numerically because the entry conditions are so demanding, as are the continuing struggles
Our lives and planet are a battle ground for the two brotherhoods

Strong individuals choose either selfless lives

Or they choose selfish lives

Most humans however are neither one nor the other being what are called 'lukewarm'

Preferring to go through life with minimum disturbance
Choosing to remain uninvolved wherever possible

Our times are becoming more volatile though

This is nature's way of shaking the lukewarm

In the final days the lukewarm are dissolved, their atoms dispersed

And you what group do you belong to?

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