Thursday, January 14, 2010

Celebrity culture

Celebrity culture spreads like a cancer around the planet
It swallows even those whose fame and status is based on real achievement and real responsibility
'As the empty are valued
So the valuable are devalued'
The valuable are often today treated as if they were as empty as most modern celebrities
Engineers, technicians, scientists, artists and those doing really useful work of benefit to society become valued not by the serious, complex matters that they deal with or by their real achievements
But, increasingly by poking and prying into their private lives, their personal traumas, their personal traits
Because increasingly the media is lazily judging the worthwhile by the same criteria they apply to modern cardboard celebrities who have nothing of note accept their bodies and shrill demands to be noticed
Judging everyone by the same criteria causes the public to ignore the real achievements of the valuable
It lazily allows them to focus on the trivia and avoid the effort of understanding the valuable
Personal, emotional judgement as opposed to analytically informed examination
Allowing the lukewarm and lazy to falsely compare themselves with the private characteristics of the valuable and not on their achievements
And all of this judgement based on true or false perceptions of their personal behaviour or character
And from this we move to seeing ourselves forever in competition with each other
Using the same criteria separating us from each other
Encouraged to try to destroy each other
Then turning on ourselves and disliking what we se
These shallow useless comparisons are seldom true
Seldom the whole story
Seldom in context
The celebrity bitch is still a bitch
The shrill demand for attention only survives because we pay attention
Put your attention on those who have something to contribute
Make this your direction of pursuit
Follow where they are guiding us
Leave the shallow to wallow in their own world of trivia and division
Modern celebrities are a disease pulling others with something useful to say into their world of trivia and shallow judgement

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