Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ain't that the truth

"Throughout this vast universe, the good will seek the good, and the evil the evil, each will be unconsciously drawn to its own kind"

And so it has ever been thus

Look at our world

Not to point fingers but have you not noticed clusters

Clusters of people who share the same habits and values
Clusters of the same types of people drawn to the same places and activities
To the same organisations, places of entertainment and where they choose to live
Industries that draw the same kind of people
In our modern world it is not hard to see the bitchy crude businesses where to get ahead one had better conform to the norms of nastiness that characterise that culture or organisation
Fashion perhaps
Opera maybe
Acting possibly
Large segments of the TV, film and media business
And now because these environments love to promote themselves with endless awards to themselves we are bombarded with their faces and activities wherever we turn
Circles of self-interest and mutual promotion
Film to media
Politics to media
Media to media
One could be unhappy about this as they are forever pushing themselves and their activities which is hardly what our children need to grow up seeing
Vulgarity and crudeness held out as something admirable 
Endless talk about themselves and their lives
Yet in a way this is fine
The people who feel a compulsion to be a part of these industries
We can see where they are and make a mental note to stay away from them
Because they are endlessly competitive we must also witness their spiral into darkness
Pretty neat in a way creating their own destructive future
Crudity escalating in the search for ever greater shock or grab for attention
Well it would be if they were not dragging millions along with them
Dark people
Dark clusters
Consciously or unconsciously drawn to their own kind?

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