Friday, June 25, 2010

Being right

All the time
Every time an argument comes along she has to be right
Every time a disagreement arises she has to be right
She has to be right about everything
And this can be very tiring for anyone living or working with her
Two approaches are usually adopted by those living or working with her
Either agreeing all the time that she is right
Or by arguing and disagreeing with her
Neither one does more than react to the latest situation
Neither one addresses the issue as to why she should feel the need to be right
Being right is often if not usually the sign of a control freak
And being in control means being right
And why would one need to be in control?
Because without this illusion of being right
Her world will crumble if she is not in control, life is too dangerous, too frightening
Too frightening for her to contemplate
Too threatening
Her inadequacies can be exposed
Her inner fears realised
So being right is central to her strategy for handling life
Without it nothing is sure
Nothing is clear
Fear and danger lurk in every corner
And this state is very common with both men and women
Can it be changed?
Only if we are prepared to find that underlying cause, because we sincerely want to change our lives
Only if we can understand that life is about change
Life is about risk
Our modern world tries to pretend that we can remove risk by buying xy and z
By behaving in certain 'correct' ways
Doing what we are told
Never challenging
Accepting the norms of behaviour shown on telly or in the media
Then life can be safe
Sorreeeeee nature will expose this lie
At some point usually around early middle age nature will force change upon you
Being right will be exposed
There will be nowhere to hide
Only breakdown or ill health and without our health life is not so funny at all
Many are then broken, they come to us all the time
Others find the way to fight for their sanity they finally try to 'get it'
And change to fight for a better experience of life
And find that better life by being more flexible and tolerant, caring for others even
A life of risk and letting go, open to new ideas, growing and learning
Life is risk
Risk at every turn
Risk is all around us all the time every day
We get by by not thinking about risk because it might hurt or harm us
Letting go of control devices such as being right sounds dangerous
The reality though is that being wrong is fine, admitting imperfection and doubt are OK
Besides imagine the joke of trying to be a perfect human?
Being out of control is fine
Life is life that's all
The sooner you understand this the better your life can be
Let go your control games
Embrace life
Live with uncertainty embrace it even
Try saying 'I am wrong'
Or even 'you are right'
A step further to realise it does not matter
For most situations there is a reasonable place to compromise, try it
Scoring points and being right also creates friction and enemies
Over time these forces are going to unite against you
More fighting. more winning and losing
Being right is a tough strategy to live with and a very debilitating one
Maybe better not to be right
Besides being in conflict all the time as a life choice is not so clever
For by definition this is what being right means, disagreement and manipulation
Oh and being right means distorting things because none of us can be right all the time over everything.............
Can you?

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