Monday, December 20, 2010

So many convenient things

Does anyone else find it odd that the raw materials for technology are so readily available?

That metals are so abundantly near the earth's surface.

That domesticable animals and plants suitable for agriculture were so accessible.

That the earth laid down enormous fossil fuel deposits capable of powering an industrial revolution?

What about the fact that many genes expressed only in higher animals were present in the genome hundreds of millions of years before they were ever needed.

As if waiting for the time to exercise their function?

If we didn't know better, we might think the collection of the earth's organic and inorganic processes that we know as Gaia were consciously executing a plan to bring a technological species into being.

C. Eisenstein
That certainly raises several questions.
Like can we continue to look at this and other coincidences as just other accidents of nature?
Or could it be that there is a pattern here.
Intelligence at work?
Given how narrow the band of possible human existence is in this huge Universe.
How nice that all these 'accidents' keep happening.
Time to open our eyes.
To open them without prejudice and fear of what might be the truth.
That there is indeed intelligence at work.
No not talking about a God.

Just a hierarchy of intelligence.
All the way up to the absolute.

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